Experience unparalleled online training to master Thai Massage therapy affordably, all from the comfort of your home, complemented by personalized support from instructors.

Elevate your practice with an exceptional massage methodology.
Acquire advanced therapeutic techniques that make a difference.
Delve deeper into the essence of healing beyond mere techniques.
Earn your certification in Thai Massage and enhance your professional credibility.
Draw in a broader clientele base with your distinctive skill set.
Enhance your intuitive undertaking and sensitivity in practice. 

An optimal choice for your convenience:

  • Enjoy comprehensive training at a fraction of the cost of live courses.
  • Avoid additional costs related to travel and accommodation.
  • Continue earning without interruption as you learn.
  • Learn from the comfort of your home, without being away from your family.
  • Essentially, have a Thai Massage school accessible at all times.
  • Progress through the course at your own pace, free from any pressure.
  • Gain lifetime access to all training materials, allowing for endless reviews.

Experience an unparalleled and motivating online training journey:

  • Engage with the entire course content from any global location.
  • Continuous support from instructors is readily accessible.
  • Authentic training enriched with the genuine 'Thailand experience.'
  • Options for certification and Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
  • Diverse learning materials including videos, texts, and audio.
  • A risk-free satisfaction guarantee ensures you have nothing to lose!

Transform into a professional Thai Massage therapist with our comprehensive system.

Welcome to the Thai Massage YQR Academy

A platform that embraces the spirit and beauty of Thai Yoga Massage.

We offer a solid and steady pathway for learning, evolving and tapping into your own style and creativity; no matter how little or how much experience you have.

Certificates from all courses taught can be used for credits with CRMTA, NHPC, CMMOTA, MTANS, MTWPAM, and MTAM in Canada. 

All courses are registered with NCBTMB (USA) for continuing education credits for massage therapists.

Instructor: Karen Piper, Founding Director of Thai Massage YQR Academy, Certified Instructor of the International Thai Massage School (ITM, Chiang Mai Thailand), Thai Yoga Massage & Healing Arts School (Bangkok) and NHPC Registered Thai Massage Practitioner.

How our online Classroom works!

  • You have your own membership portal with the course materials
  • You have access to the instructor for questions and feedback
  • You can join our student community 
  • The training is released gradually, just like in any school
  • You work at your own pace without any overwhelm
  • You practice with partners while watching the video training 

You learn in an interactive environment with teacher support, access to fellow students, in the comfort of your home, at your convenience.

Many students from all over have successfully learned Thai Massage through this system.

Complete Thai Massage course features

This course is much more than just learning techniques and sequences. It is more like a learning experience of a beautiful healing art, it's therapeutic value, it's cultural background, and the healing system of Thailand.

 I can't thank Karen Piper at Thai Massage YQR Academy enough for the transformative experience! 

As the owner and lead instructor, Karen possesses a deep understanding of Thai massage techniques and is dedicated to continuing her own ongoing education with some of the world's best schools and teachers in Thailand. Her natural ability to convey the material in a clear and concise manner, made the learning process both enjoyable and accessible. From the moment I stepped foot into the school, I was greeted with warmth and a genuine passion for Thai Massage. 

The curriculum at Thai Massage YQR Academy was comprehensive and well-structured. It covered a range of positions, including the history of Thai massage, proper body mechanics, and a variety of Thai massage techniques. The hands-on training provided ample opportunity to practice and refine my skills under the guidance of an experienced instructor, with an emphasis on practical experience. Thai Massage Academy provided ample opportunities for students to apply their knowledge through supervised practice sessions and real-world clients. This hands-on approach not only helped me gain confidence in my abilities, but also provided valuable insights into client interactions and the overall process. 

The learning environment at Thai Massage YQR Academy was supportive and nurturing, creating a sense of community that fostered collaboration and personal growth. I felt comfortable to ask questions and seek guidance whenever needed, and appreciated the individual attention given to each student. 

It not only equipped me with the technical skills and knowledge necessary to practice Thai massage, but it also deepened my appreciation for this ancient healing art and opened my eyes to our body's own natural healing potential. I am truly grateful for the exceptional education and mentorship I received and continue to receive to this date! I would highly recommend Thai Massage YQR Academy to anyone seeking a comprehensive and enriching Thai massage training experience.  


~ Dominika Deneve 


Karen is very knowledgable and has an approachable teaching style. Training is fun and interactive. She makes sure to ask if you understand and is very hands on to help you get the feel and understanding for each position especially for some more complex stretches.


Learning something new like Thai Massage can be incredibly overwhelming. Karen leads her educational sessions with such calm and patience the process quickly shifts from overwhelming to enjoyment.

Her experience, knowledge and passion shines through immediately.

I highly recommend the Thai Massage Educational services Karen offers!


I recently completed the NHCP accredited Thai Massage Certification through Thai Massage YQR Academy and I cannot recommend the program highly enough!

Karen's natural ability to create a safe and supportive learning environment was apparent immediately. The video resources and and reading material available to you as a student and practitioner are invaluable - and I feel confident beginning my practice upon the completion of the program.

Learning from Karen has been a joy, and I look forward to returning for continued education.